The New John Crews ICON Signature Series is the cultivation of hours and hours of design. Tirelessly testing and pushing to the limits to give you a rod worthy of an elite performance. Taking the experience of the ICON series, molding it with the experience of Elite Series angler John Crews. Creating the John Crews ICON Spinbait Rod.
When the going gets tough and you are all out of options of getting those key bites, look no further than the spin-bait. This relatively new technique has become popular among finesse anglers. We have taken all the experience from John Crews and crafted an amazing rod that is perfect for this technique. We designed this rod to have the perfect tip for launching the small, inconspicuous spin-bait and we paired it with the right power to ensure the fish stays pinned all the way to the boat.
Using our American sourced pre-preg with an engineered and upgraded epoxy; we have created one of the lightest rod blanks on the market today. Our ICON blanks are un-sanded, which helps protect the blank with an epoxy encapsulation on top of adding a signature look with added impact resistance. The John Crews ICON spin-bait rod still has the signature red/black Cashion carbon fiber / fiberglass. John Crews decided to go with the American Tackle Microwave guides to not allow wasted energy and give you even more distance on your casts. This will allow you to throw such a small bait much farther than any other rod on the market. A comfortable exposed reel seat that cover’s the rivets but does not sacrifice the feel of the bite in any way.
** All rods are designed and built right here in Sanford, North Carolina, USA